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Cloud Performance Testing: Generation 2

ThunderCloud™ (Gen. 2) vs. TransparentCloud™ (Gen. 1)

Provider Superb Internet Microsoft Azure IBM/softlayer Google Amazon Web Services
Account Type DC2S-2188 F16 DC 16 N1-HIGHCPU-32 c4.4XLARGE
GB RAM 16GB 32GB 16GB 14.4GB 30GB
CPU Performance (Passmark) 2188 undisclosed (variable)* undisclosed (variable)* undisclosed (variable)* undisclosed (variable)*
Number of Cores 14 16 16 16 16
SSD disk space 220GB 256GB 100GB 375GB 320GB
Included Traffic 10TB/month None** None** None** None**
Price $275 per month all included $496 per month with no Internet connectivity
$1988 per month with comparable 10TB/m
$384 per month with no Internet connectivity
$1046 per month with comparable 10TB/m
$662 per month with no Internet connectivity
$1220 per month with comparable 10TB/m
$582 per month with no Internet connectivity
$1653 per month with comparable 10TB/m

Fig. 1 - Disk IO 1.1GB File - MB/s - Comparison

Fig. 2 - One Parallel Process Test Results - Comparison

Fig. 3 - Sixteen Parallel Processes Test Results - Comparison

Fig. 4 - IOPS Read Results - Comparison

Fig. 5 - IOPS Write Results - Comparison


  1. Not all clouds are created equal;
  2. The published specs have little relation on the real-world performance; therefore, you cannot compare CHPs based on the published specs alone (there is a reason why the real-world performance is rarely if ever talked about in the CHP circles);
  3. Always – always – run tests for your specific applications/use when comparing multiple CHPs, in order to arrive at the quantity and/or size of accounts to compare at different CHPs which provide for equal performance (as opposed to equal or roughly similar “headline specs”).

Superb Internet TransparentCloud™ Services

Provider Superb Internet Microsoft Azure IBM/softlayer Amazon Web Services
Account Type CS-312 Instance A2 DC 4 t2.medium
CPU Performance (Passmark) 8304 undisclosed (variable)* undisclosed (variable)* undisclosed (variable)*
Number of Cores 2 2 2 2
SSD disk space 40GB 60GB 25GB 60GB
Included Traffic 10TB/month None** None** None**
Price $70 per month all included $178 per month with no Internet connectivity
$1068 per month with comparable 10TB/m
$100 per month with no Internet connectivity
$550 per month with comparable 10TB/m
$68 per month with no Internet connectivity
$988 per month with comparable 10TB/m


  1. Not all clouds are created equal;
  2. The published specs are practically meaningless; therefore, you cannot compare CHPs based on the published specs;
  3. Always – always – run tests for your specific applications/use when comparing multiple CHPs, in order to arrive at the quantity and/or size of accounts to compare at different CHPs which provide for equal performance (as opposed to equal or roughly similar “headline specs”).