With the Lease-to-Own program, exclusive to Superb Internet, after an additional payment of just $25/month for the first year, you own your server and only pay the colocation cost - as low as $99/month - thereafter. This makes the first year hosting payment into an investment: the server is yours to do with as you please after the first year (keep colocating with us at massive savings vs. renting, pick it up or have it shipped to you at any time - the choice is yours). We make it possible for every dedicated server customer to become an owner without any upfront or balloon payment; if you pick the Lease-to-Own option on the order form, you automatically convert into an owner after the first 12 months, it's as simple as that. There is no commitment and no term lock-in either.
Rent vs. Lease-to-Own
Samples of savings over 3 and 5 year typical server life-cycles using:

Order any server from the server lineup and simply select the Lease-to-Own option under Popular Options. That's it!
Want to save even more? You will pay even less - that is, save even more - if you select a quarterly, six month or yearly billing cycle, instead of the default monthly. (With yearly billing cycle, you will pay as little as $89/month for the colocation, and less for the server LTO also.)